Dimboola Memorial Secondary College  School Centenary

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College

School Centenary


School Centenary

Memorial Building

Dimboola Memorial High School Song

Gales of winter rock the hilltop high
Or summer sun strikes down,
But the school gazes west with a steadfast eye
O’er valley green and quiet town.


Daily here we meet and our fellow gleaners greet,
Stripping ears of wheat for the grain of wisdom.
Roam where I may, my mind shall stray
To the school on top of the hill.

Voices call and laughter stirs the air,
Quick games are played and won,
Till the sharp gong sounds and the silence falls,
The search for knowledge must go on.


Come, let us find by the swordblows of the mind
Guidance as we wind over life’s long pathway.
Roam where I may, my mind shall stray
To the school on top of the hill.

Endless at first the shining chain of days,
Until the time draws nigh
When books shall be closed and the last bell rung
And we must bid the school good-bye.


All our deeds shall be as a wreath of memory,
Twined by you and me in the old school’s honour.
Roam where I may, my mind shall stray
To the school on top of the hill


Photo Gallery

Memorial Building

'Building the School', early 1920s
DMSC Archives

Memorial Building

The Soldiers' Memorial Hall, 4th December 1924
Dimboola Chronicle

Memorial Building

This photo was taken by a photographer from Melbourne who came to Dimboola during a 'Back to Dimboola' week, and on the left shows A T Mathews, Carl Jones and A G Daws (Principal from 1946 to 1950).
Dimboola & District Historical Society

Memorial Building

Photo undated, assumed to be 1947/48
From the collection of Jean Nash (née Wilkins), Student 1947/48


Memorial Building Graphic

post PO Box 40 | Dimboola | Victoria, 3414
phone 03 5389 1460
fax 03 5389 1981
email dimboola.memorial.sc@education.vic.gov.au

Wangara Consulting

Website by Wangara Consulting