Dimboola Memorial Secondary College  DMSC

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College
Will Thomson and Katie Griffiths - 2024 School Captains

Will Thomson and Katie Griffiths
2024 School Captains

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College was proclaimed in 1921 and moved into the purpose-built Soldiers' Memorial Hall on our 'hilltop' site overlooking the town of Dimboola in 1924. We have been proudly educating our district's young people in the memory of our war fallen for the century since.

DMSC is a small rural secondary college situated in the Wimmera Region 36 km from Horsham. It is a traditional secondary college in its curriculum design but prides itself on its broad senior offerings including VCE and VM/VET pathways.

Everything we do at DMSC is designed to deliver ever improving learning experiences and outcomes that will enable all students to leave DMSC with the skills, knowledge, behaviours and values that drive quality life experiences.

Click here to learn more about our school >>


Dimboola Memorial Secondary College would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the Wimmera Mallee area: the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagalk peoples, and pay our respects to elders past, present and future.

From our Principal - Friday 14th June 2024

It is hard to believe that the school year has reached the half-way mark. Students in Years 9 to 12 completed their midyear exams yesterday and I have been very proud of the dedicated approach that most students have taken towards these assessments. Year 8 students sat two short exams for each of their electives yesterday afternoon and reported that this was not a difficult experience. I would also like to acknowledge the support of parents and carers in this exam process. Students have arrived at school on time and prepared for their exams, which has been pleasing. Thanks must also go to the teaching staff for their dedicated work in preparing the exams and marking them, so that reports can be written. These will be available to parents and students via XUNO next Friday. Please contact the administration office if you would like a hard copy of your child’s report.

Semester Two begins

Next Monday marks the start of a new timetable, with a new set of elective subjects for students in Years 8 and 9. All students have been provided with a hard copy of their timetables and these can also be found on the year level Google Classroom pages. Thank you to Mr Hobbs for the work that has gone into organising both the exam timetable and the new Semester Two timetable.

GAT next Tuesday

Students in the senior school classes will be undertaking the General Assessment Test (GAT) next Tuesday 18th June. This is the first formal external assessment for our VCE and VCE VM students. It plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate that they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level. Those who will be sitting this general knowledge exam include students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence and those enrolled in one or more VCE Vocational Major (VM) Unit 3–4 sequence but who are not enrolled in any VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequences.

Long service leave

Both Mrs Simpson and Ms Frost will be taking some long service leave this week until the start of next term. Mrs Sue Kuhnell has kindly agreed to come and supervise many of their classes during this time.

Deb Ball update

This special event is now only two weeks away! Friday 28th June at 7pm is the date and students in Years 10 and 11 have been honing their dancing skills each Monday evening this term under the expert guidance of Linly ArnoldWardle. Viewing tickets for the public are available for purchase from the administration office and will be available on the night.

Sally Klinge

Bushfire At Risk Register

Our school is on the Bushfire At Risk Register (BARR).

Schools on the BARR must close on a determined Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating day in their weather district. No staff will remain on site and all out-of-school care programs (including vacation, before and after school programs) will not operate on such days.

As a bus coordinating school all bus routes will be cancelled.

Click here for more information.

Click here for fire danger ratings on the CFA website.

DMSC Virtual Tour

Click here to experience a Virtual Tour of our school


Memorial Building Graphic

post PO Box 40 | Dimboola | Victoria, 3414
phone 03 5389 1460
fax 03 5389 1981
email dimboola.memorial.sc@education.vic.gov.au

Wangara Consulting

Website by Wangara Consulting